Umpires Briefing
- Match Pace - Captains and Players have been advised to keep the match pace moving a lot faster than they do on Saturdays.
- 45 seconds - That’s how long a batter has got from the wicket falling to being ready to receive. Take any longer and you can give them out. They have been warned!
- Batters ‘Chats’ - They’ve been told to make them brief and that they need to be ready when the bowlers and umpires are - as umpires you can deduct 10 runs from a team if the batters chats are continually holding up play
- Batters ‘crossed’ - doesn’t apply so if batter is caught the next one in is on strike
- Last Batter In - 10th batter out stays in with the last batter. If they’re run out so is the last batter
- Batters retire out at 50
- Fielding Circle - 3 max out of circle in first 25 balls - 5 max out after that
- Bowling - 10 balls from one end. Bowlers can deliver 5 or 10 balls at a time. Successive 5’s from different ends is ok
- Bowlers Max Deliveries - 15 in semi, 10 in Plate Final, 20 in Main Final (provided it is 100 balls)
- No Balls and Wides out 2 runs, are replayed and are followed by a free hit. Wides are ‘Test Match’ wides so at discretion of umpires.
- LBW’s - A max of 1 batter can be given out lbw in the semi-finals and plate final. 2 in the main final. If someone appeals and you give the batter out lbw the captain has 15 seconds to withdraw the appeal using the T sign. They have been briefed to use this tactically. Once the bowling side have had 1 successful lbw in the semis/plate and 2 in the final given they’ve been asked to no longer appeal as its pointless - but of course they still will!
- Sub Fielders - If teams end up with more than 11 players in their squad they can swop players during any change of ends. Subs can bowl.
- Drinks - if a batter or bowler is about to expire through dehydration they can take a drink anytime as long as play isn’t held up. No ‘12th’ men dawdling on with drinks - sprinting on and off yes.