Women's Softball Cricket

Soft Ball Cricket is a game for everyone, no matter your skill level, fitness or age! Festivals are all about fun, friends and family! No experience is necessary and all ages and abilities are welcome.

Festivals are fun, sociable and a great way to get active.

Who Can Play?

Mums of All Stars and Dynamos

Wives, girlfriends & friends of existing players

Female sports teams/players seeking a summer sport

Ex-players who want to get back into cricket

Existing players who don't want to play hard ball

Daughters/Sisters 12+ of existing players

For more information about Women's Softball Cricket activity this summer, follow the links below!

Soft Ball Cricket Festivals 2024

Soft Ball Cricket League 2024 - East

Soft ball Cricket League 2024 - West 

Interested in playing women’s cricket?

Find a club that offers women's hardball or softball cricket.

Nick Matthews

Nick Matthews

Women and Girls Development Officer