2025 CACG AGM Report

CACG Homepage

BHGS Hayle

GMA Cricket Toolkit

The meeting paid tribute to two recently deceased members, George Dengler of Constantine and former Association Chair Kevin O'Kelly, acknowledging their significant contributions to Cornish cricket. 


Election of Officers at the AGM held remotely on Zoom on 20 March 2025:

All re-elected

Chair - Simon Johnson   email

Secretary - Robert Jobson   email

Treasurer - Caroline Fry   email

Committee Members -

Steve Fry,   County Pitch Advisor

Chris Gesto BHGS - Hayle  email

Jamie Stevens, Gerald Sleeman, Richard Budge & James Franklin.

Committee Who's Who


The 'Del Codd' Groundskeeper of the Year Award

2024 Winner - Colin Thomas - Beacon CC

Presentation to follow in due course.

CACG Chair’s Report 2024

Simon Johnson presenting the chairman's report, highlighted the contrast in weather conditions between the previous and current years and outlined plans for upcoming training courses. The treasurer's report indicates a quiet financial year with a small profit, and the group decided not to collect fees from clubs this year. 

Kind regards,                   

Simon Johnson



Hon Secretary Robert Jobson's CACG Report to the 2025 Cornwall Cricket League AGM 

  According to meteorologists, 2024 saw Cornwall experience its warmest, wettest and windiest 12 months on record, interspersed with its coolest summer and 9 named storms starting with Henk and finishing with Bert, Conall and Darragh.

Our groundskeepers however did not throw in the towel. As and when conditions permitted, they continued to toil on grounds and pitches to salvage as many games as possible, and were then able to work all the way into December in readiness for 2025.

Following more of the usual downpours in January and February, a dry, cold first half of March has enabled many of us to get cracking on squares and outfields and, at the time of writing, there is every chance of cricket on grass in April - subject of course to the arrival of more storms.

Meanwhile, I would like to thank in particular Phil Jeggo, the Grounds Management Association’s South of England pitch adviser, and Cornwall pitch adviser Steve Fry for all their ongoing support and encouragement of groundskeepers and clubs across the county in 2024.

As part of the England and Wales Cricket Board’s Pitch Power initiative, they carried out a number of site visits and full inspections of grounds, machinery and equipment, while also guiding clubs in the end-of-season renovations of their squares and outfields.

Phil came down from Essex to put on early season pitch preparation courses at Liskeard and Constantine, and returned in the autumn to visit 6 grounds: four where CACO’s pitch marks for 2024 were below the ECB’s required 70% mark and two - Grampound Road and Perranporth - where their Ist XI’s have been promoted to Premier and County 1 respectively.

The plan for 2025 is to put on spring and autumn groundskeeper training courses in the East and West of the county, starting at Mount Ambrose CC on the morning of Sunday March 23.

A number of clubs have already signified interest in attending these courses. We would be keen to hear from others and any individuals wishing to find out more about what is on offer to help them enhance their skills and improve their grounds. Please don’t hesitate to get in touch.


Signed: Robert Jobson (CACG Hon Sec), January 2024.


Treasurer’s Report ( Caroline Fry). CACG's balance sheet shows income of £1,590 ( including subscriptions £1,340 and equipment hire of £250) and expenditure of £705.10. Net profit for the year: £884.90; Cash at Bank £9,845.32.

 Auditor’s Report ( Kim Jepheart): “I have reviewed accounts for CACG, Oct 1, 2023, to Sept 30, 2024. I am satisfied that the records are a true reflection of the activities of the CACG.”



BHGS Report – Chris Gesto

Chris discussed the availability of Mendip loam, and its potential unavailability due to the company's closure. He recommended clubs to switch to Ongar as a compatible alternative. Chris also mentioned that grass seed and fertilizers might be a little cheaper this year. He expressed concerns about the lack of advance orders from clubs, which could disrupt the efficiency of the contractor model. Chris requested a form to update the club's treasurer details and asked for assistance in sending it to the clubs. 

BHGS Hayle


GMA Pitch Advisor - Phil Jeggo

Phil discussed the benefits of Pitch Power, a tool for data collection in cricket grounds. He mentioned that it has been a game changer in terms of data collection and could potentially lead to more funding. Phil also introduced the Grass Pitch Improvement Fund, a 5 million pounds fund over three years to improve cricket squares and outfields across the country. He encouraged clubs to apply for the fund and mentioned that the application process is straightforward. Phil also mentioned that the fund is not for machinery, but for essential equipment like a combi rake and a fertilizer spreader. He clarified that the fund is only for clubs with poor or basic squares or outfields.

There is a lot of information on the GMA toolkit site at Cricket Home | Grounds Management Toolkit (thegma.org.uk) 

Rolling Advice



20 people confirmed for the Training session at Mount Ambrose Cricket Club on the 23rd March with Phil Jeggo.

© Steve Fry 2025 Pre Season GMA Course at Mount Ambrose CC




Pre-season training course for groundskeepers ( Phil Jeggo - GMA Cricket Advisor ), to be held at Mount Ambrose CC on Sunday March 23, 10 - 12.30. ( Pasty and Pint for Lunch ).

We are conscious that Zoom has enabled more groundskeepers from distant locations to attend our AGM’s over recent years - but at the cost of us actually getting together.

South of England pitch adviser Phil Jeggo has kindly offered to put on a training course 3 days after our AGM and you are invited to come along - if able to do so.