Club Management

This section has been pulled together to help clubs understand how to manage and run the business.

Cricket clubs needs to consider themselves as a business and not just a club.

This section will help you identify areas the club will need to implement to have a robust structure, even if you are an existing club.

This is very relevant to clubs who are considering starting up or becoming more formalised.

There will be a number of headings linking in to the excellent resource, Club Matters.

Cornwall Cricket would suggest that you sign up to Club Matters to receive regular updates.

Setting up a Club Checklist


  • Open and a Non Discriminatory
  • Outlines the rules and how the club will operate
  • This document along with the club policies will help protect your club, officials and its members

The Club Structure

The Committee

  • Identify the right people with the right skills
  • Be clear with commitment and lay out the roles and responsibilities for the roles
  • Are they committed to get and keep the ball rolling

Effective Meetings

  • Have a clear agenda, that allows people to contribute, communicate this prior to meetings
  • Make sure minutes are taken and signed as a true and accurate record
  • Make sure you create the create the correct behaviours for the management of the meeting
  • Give people the confidence that their thoughts/concerns will be listened to

Club Development Planning

  • Template Club Development Plan
  • Complete a SWOT analysis (Strengths/Weekneeses/Opportunities/Threats)
  • Consult your members, players, parents what they would like to see.
  • Set clear SMART objectives & timelines
  • Assign roles and responsibilites so people are accountable for delivering
  • Assign a budget to allow it to happen
  • Evaluate progress within your committee meetings to monitor progress
  • Celebrate success 


Difficult Meetings

  • As a committee member it is highly likely that you have to deal with conflict, how to deal with complaints, set up code of conducts

Financial Management

  • Financial management can be a daunting prospect and a tedious task. Your club will need to find someone who has the skills and knowledge to implement the right systems with detail to make the club prosperous and sustainable. For the role descriptor of the Treasurer please click follow the above link.
  • Do you have the right financial processes in place to help your club? Understand how to manage your costs to stay within the budget.


  • Short term budget, looking at your income and costs for the next year, it may help you break this down further into a monthly schedule.
  • Long term budget, looking at your income over a longer period of time, 2-3 years. This will enable you to consider and plan for bigger one off projects, such as buying a piece of machinery or a capital build project.

Generating Income

  • As a club you will have a income coming in and its important to know what and how much this is, such as membership, commercial activities, sponsorship, grants and fundraising. Understanding the proportions of each area will give your club and understanding of what is possible and gaps that may need to be filled by one or another.
    • Membership, have you researched other membership fees around your club, are you competitive or are you under/over selling yourself?
    • Does your membership fees allow you to run your club with confidence?
    • Do your membership fees offer value for money?
    • Is there scope to increase (potential barrier to participation) or decrease (attract more people)?
  • Generating income, but could you save money anywhere, energy consumption, water usage? Please follow this link