ECB Pitch Advisor
Cornwall County Pitch Advisors 2025:
East Steve Fry Tel:01288 341200 e-mail: [email protected]
West Simon Johnson Tel: 07875080366 email: [email protected]
Aims & Objectives of the Pitch Advisors
The CCB Pitch Advisory Scheme is designed to improve grounds and groundsmanship across Cornwall, particularly at recreational/non-professional level.
As part of the project the pitch advisor is able to assess facilities on a standard that is recognised nationally and conforms to a nationally accepted criteria (IOG Performance Quality Standards)
The purpose of the Pitch Advisor scheme is to address issues regarding:
• Minimum performance quality standards.
• Consistent advice across England and Wales.
• Active response to clubs.
• Higher profile for groundsmanship.
• Accurate assessment of cricket priority sites.
•Identified costs.
•Proactive move between professional and voluntary sector.
Pitch Adviser roles include:
1. Advise on the quality performance of specific pitches / squares and produce recommendations (where necessary) for any improvements.
2. To monitor the developments of any facilities (including non turf (artificial) pitches) on which recommendations are being implemented.
3. Available, if required, to assess pitches / squares / non turf (artificial) pitches.
4. Help build an effective Groundsmans Association.
Pitch Advisor visits
The affiliated clubs and schools can take advantage of this service which provides either a “Short Pitch Report” or “Formal Report”.
The England & Wales Cricket Board sets the level of charges for this service at £75 for a short pitch report and £250 for a formal report.
The Pitch Advisors also complete the Pitch Power reports needed for the Grass Pitch Improvement Fund (GPIF). Club's who request Pitch Power reports aligned to a potential grant for their outfields and squares, will need to be aware that these visits will cost £200. To inititate these reports, clubs will need to request this from Joe Skinner, Managing Director.
Co-ordination of the schemes
To book a visit from the Pitch Advisor, please contact.