Online Safety & Social Media Policy


Whilst Cornwall Cricket Board understands the importance of social media in today’s society and how it can be used in a positive manner for communication, news dissemination and the promotion of activities, it must also ensure its safe and appropriate use.  As the governing body for all cricket played in Cornwall, the Board is responsible for inclusivity, participants’ safety, and reputational standards.  As such, it has jurisdiction over the manner by which the organisations and people who engage in cricket within Cornwall use social media.


This policy outlines key considerations and best practice to ensure safe use of online media for all organisations and individuals associated with Cornwall Cricket.


The aims of our online safety and social media policy are to:

  • promote the safe use of online platforms to all Individuals and Organisations associated with Cornwall Cricket
  • protect all Individuals involved with Cornwall Cricket from online related harm
  • provide all Organisations associated with Cornwall Cricket with a policy and procedure regarding online safety and inform them how to respond to incidents
  • ensure Cornwall Cricket is operating in line with its values and within the law regarding online conduct 


This policy applies to Cornwall Cricket ‘Organisations’, inclusive of but not exclusive to

  • Cornwall Cricket League
  • Cornwall Association of Cricket Groundskeepers
  • Cornwall Cricket Youth
  • Cornwall Association of Cricket Officials
  • Cornwall Cricket Women
  • Cornwall Cricket Disability
  • Cornwall County Cricket Club
  • Affiliated Cricket Clubs

It also applies to all individuals associated with Cornwall Cricket, inclusive of but not exclusive to

  • Employees
  • Officials
  • Players
  • Members
  • Spectators
  • Volunteers
  • any other associated personnel

Individuals associated with Organisations should also consult their own organisation’s online safety and social media policy.

This policy does not refer to the use of any particular social media or online platform.

Individuals and Organisations should also consult with specific platforms’ terms of use.

Individuals and Organisations must also operate in accordance with the ECB General Conduct Regulations.


  • Online
    • ln this policy, reference to online is to all virtual, internet-based and electronically delivered activities, promotions, engagement, organisation, management and interactions.
  • Social media
    • In this policy, reference to social media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus on communication, community-based input, interaction, content-sharing, and collaboration. Any online vehicle that permits Organisations and Individuals to communicate, inform and engage with the wider cricketing community. 
  • Streaming
    • In this policy, reference to streaming includes live streaming where media is simultaneously recorded and broadcast over the internet in real-time or near real-time.
    • It also includes streaming of non-live media such as video-on-demand and vlogs.


  • Cornwall Cricket Board (CCB)
    • CCB is responsible for ensuring that this policy is implemented, followed, and reviewed annually or when material changes occur. 
    • CCB is responsible for ensuring that this policy is enforced, and any breaches are dealt with appropriately in accordance with the ECB General Conduct Regulations.
    • CCB has the overall responsibility for the operational implementation of this policy.
  • Organisations
    • Organisations are responsible for acting in accordance with this policy in all online interactions.
    • Organisations are responsible for raising non-compliance or complaints that relate to this policy to CCB in accordance to the process outlined within the General Conduct Regulations.
  • Clubs
    • Clubs are responsible for ensuring they have a safety and social media policy that is consistent with this policy, and that they and their members comply with it.
  • Individuals
    • Individuals must be aware of, and understand, this policy and know how, on an individual level, they can be accountable for their personal actions and interactions in an online environment.
    • Individuals must be aware of the General Conduct Regulations and know how to escalate any concerns, non-compliance or complaints.
  • Children
    • Children and young people should be aware of this policy and agree to its terms.
    • Children’s and young people’s online behaviour should be consistent with the policy as set out.
    • Children and young people should not to contact any adults in a position of authority at Cornwall Cricket via personal accounts or direct messenger. 
    • So that all young people can enjoy their cricket safely, we discourage the use of mobile phones during sporting activity.

Policy Implementation


Cornwall Cricket values/supports/encourages the use of online and social media platforms to achieve the following:

  • Promotion of activities
  • Recognition of achievements
  • Dissemination of supportive and encouraging comments, coaching and feedback


Cornwall Cricket has a zero-tolerance stance for any online platform interactions that are, or could be perceived by an independent person as:

• Offensive;

• Insulting;

• Abusive;

• Threatening;

• Racist;

• Discriminatory;

• or which contains any other reference that may cause offensive or harm to others.

Any such comment made by individuals and organisations on personal, club, league, board websites and/or social networking sites regarding others may result in disciplinary action being taken in line with the Cornwall Cricket Board disciplinary and compliance mechanisms, the ECB’s General Conduct Regulations and any accompanying procedures we see fit to introduce.

In addition, comments made may attract libel claims and legal action through the civil courts if they are untrue or defamatory. In such cases, any action taken by CCB will be complementary to the legal process.

Children, young people and vulnerable adults should be advised by their coaches, parents/guardians and Safeguarding Officers always to speak to an adult they trust about communications that make them feel uncomfortable or if they’ve been asked not to tell their coach, parent/guardian or other responsible adult about any such communication.

What we expect of all people involved in Cornwall Cricket 

We expect that Individuals and Organisations are ethical in their interactions and operate with Cornwall Cricket’s values of Respect, Enjoyment, Passion, Humility, Honesty and Commitment.

  • Everyone should be aware of this policy and behave in accordance with it.
  • People should seek the advice of their designated safeguarding lead or the CCB’s safeguarding officer if they have any concerns about the use of the internet or social media.
  • No adult should ‘friend’ or ‘follow’ children, young people or vulnerable adults from personal accounts on social media.
  • All should make sure any content posted is accurate and appropriate, not least as young people and vulnerable adults may ‘follow’ them on social media.
  • Adults should not communicate with young people via personal accounts or private messages.
  • Rather than communicating with parents though personal social media accounts, such as Messenger, WhatsApp etc, officials should choose a more formal means of communication, such as face to face, in an email or in writing, or use an approved, safe organisational account such as Spond or Kinteract.
  • No-one should communicate directly with children, young people or vulnerable adults via social media, apps or email.  Instead, communication should always be through parents or carers.
  • Emails should be signed off in a professional manner, avoiding the use of emojis or symbols such as ‘kisses’ (‘X’s).
  • Smartphone users should respect the private lives of others and not take or distribute pictures of other people if it could invade their privacy.
  • No People involved in Cricket, especially people in positions of trust, should engage in ‘sexting’ or the sending of pictures to anyone that are obscene, indecent or menacing. 
  • Individuals who post on their personal social networks are responsible for that content, including liking, reposting or being in a picture where association could be linked with inappropriate content. 
  • Any disclosures of abuse reported through social media should be dealt with in the same way as a face to face disclosure, according to the safeguarding reporting procedures of CCB, its disciplinary and compliance procedures, and the ECB’s General Conduct Regulations

Live Streaming

  • Live streaming is becoming more accessible and popular with cricket organisations as a vehicle for engaging existing and new people and attracting potential sponsors.
  • Players and spectators need to be conscious of their actions both on and off the field of play. These actions can not only be seen and heard but are also stored through the viewing platform, such as Youtube and Frogbox.
  • If players, club officials or spectators witness behaviours (either physical actions or through verbal means) that bring the game into disrepute, the CCB’s mechanism for discipline and compliance will be activated, under the auspices of the ECB’s General Conduct Regulations.  Clubs and individuals should note that any such action can be taken as a result of the live stream itself and if it is later replayed on social media.

Non-compliance and complaints

Cornwall Cricket, its associated Organisations and Individuals, aim to operate to the highest possible standards. Where they fall short, reporting is encouraged to correct any inappropriate or below standard conduct.

If an individual or organisation wished to report a breach of the social media policy, please contact Robert Jobson (details below) along with a completed referral form which can be found here.

Mr. Robert Jobson

Compliance Secretary / Disciplinary Officer

[email protected]

07745 774762

Policy Monitoring

It will be the responsibility of CCB along with our Member Organisation officials to monitor this policy and review and identify any breaches. However, it is also the responsibility of all to call out breaches of policy to make sure that cricket is represented in a way that this policy outlines. Updates to this policy will be communicated out to member organisations, clubs and Board staff and officials when updates occur. It will be the responsibility of the individual organisations to inform and update their members.

Related Policy and Procedures

If any digital devices are used as part of activities within the Cornwall Cricket:

  • We expect all people to adhere to the guidelines surrounding online use and behaviour set out in our acceptable use policy

ECB General Conduct Regulations

CCB Whistleblowing Policy

CCB Safeguarding Policy

ECB Anti-Discrimination Code

CCB Code of Conduct


The online safety and social media policy will be reviewed by CCB’s governance and risk committee in January annually unless changes in policy, governance or other circumstances require a review prior to this date. They will then be reviewed annually in accordance with the CCB’s annual plan.

The principles in this policy apply no matter which current or future technology is used - including computers, laptops, tablets, web-enabled games consoles and smart TVs - and whether an app, programme or website is used.

As Cornwall Cricket, collectively, we commit to implementing this policy and addressing any concerns quickly and within guidelines by using the ECB General Conduct Regulations and incorporated processes.


Last updated - April 2023