Whistleblowing Policy
Cornwall Cricket Board (CCB) is committed to maintaining a culture where it is both safe and
welcome for all those involved in cricket to raise concerns about unacceptable practice and
You may be the first to recognise something is wrong, but you may not feel able to express
your concerns out of a belief that this would be disloyal to colleagues, or you may fear
harassment, victimisation or disadvantage. These feelings, however natural, must never
result in anyone, adult or child, continuing to be unnecessarily at risk. Remember, it is often
the most vulnerable who are targeted.
These people need someone like you to safeguard their welfare and report your concerns,
known as whistleblowing. Those involved in the sport must acknowledge their individual
responsibilities to bring matters of concern to the attention of the relevant people, and/or
agencies. Although this can be difficult, it is particularly important where it concerns the
welfare of children or adults at risk.
CCB assures all involved in cricket that they will be treated fairly and that all concerns will be
properly considered. In cases where the suspicions prove to be unfounded, no action will be
taken against those who report their suspicions / allegations, provided they acted in good
faith and without malicious intent.
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 1998 protects whistleblowers from victimisation,
discipline or dismissal where they raise genuine concerns of misconduct or malpractice.
Reasons for whistleblowing
Each individual has a responsibility for raising concerns about unacceptable practice or
- To prevent the problem worsening or widening
- To protect or reduce risk to others
- To prevent becoming implicated yourself
What stops people from sharing concerns or whistleblowing?
- Fear of starting a chain of events
- Reluctance to disrupt work or training
- Fear of getting it wrong
- Fear of repercussions or damaging careers
- Fear of not being believed
Who do I tell?
If you wish to report a concern, please email [email protected] or phone
07340 588963 with any information you have, ideally including:
- Your name, address and telephone number
- Names of individuals concerned
- The manner of the incident/s and circumstances
Please note you should not attempt to deal with any allegation or suspicion yourself.
What happens next?
- You should be given relevant information on the nature and progress of enquiries.
- All concerns will be treated in confidence. During the process of investigating the matter,
- every effort will be made to keep the identity of those raising the concern unknown, except
- to the minimum number of individuals practicable.
- Your Club Safeguarding Officer, County Safeguarding Officer and Cornwall Cricket CCB
- have a responsibility to protect you from harassment or victimisation.
- No action will be taken against you if the concern proves to be unfounded and was raised
- in good faith.
- Malicious allegations may be considered a disciplinary offence.
Specifically, please do not:
- Inform the person about whom the concern was raised
- Commence your own investigation
- Inform any other members, participants or employees
- Annotate or remove evidence
- Delay in reporting the suspicion
NEVER assume:
- “All is well, otherwise it would have been spotted earlier”
- “Ignore it as it is not my responsibility”
- “It doesn’t matter” or “no harm will arise”
- “Someone else must have reported it already”
Who do I tell?
The first person you should report your suspicion or allegation to is your Club Safeguarding
Officer. If for any reason you cannot, or do not wish to do so, then please report the matter
to the County Safeguarding Officer.

Alternatively, you can also report to the ECB Safeguarding team [email protected] or
telephone 020 7432 1200
Protect 020 3117 2520 can also be contacted for free and confidential whistleblowing
The amount of feedback relating to the issue will vary depending on the nature and result of
the investigations. However, where possible, those who have raised concerns will be kept
informed of the progress and conclusion of investigations, although they may not be
informed of the detail unless they would need this information in order to safeguard people.
June 2023