Grass Pitch Improvement Fund
The Grass Pitch Improvement Fund (GPIF) aims to tackle inequalities by providing improved access to good quality, safe playing facilities for targeted groups. The Sport England Lottery Fund will provide funding for projects.
Priority will be given to applications which support cricket for the following groups:
Women’s and girls’ cricket
Cricket in diverse communities
Disability cricket
Low socio-economic groups (LSEG)
Investment will be targeted into three main areas:
Improving the quality of squares and outfields (for grass pitches rated ‘unsuitable’ or ‘basic’ to improve to at least ‘good’)
Creating sustainable management of sites (through irrigation and machinery improvements)
Installing hybrid pitches to increase playing capacity
The fund aims to improve natural grass playing facilities graded at ‘Basic’ or below, up to at least ‘Good’ – as determined by PitchPower reports issued by County or Regional Pitch Advisors
What is PitchPower?
PitchPower is an app that has been available in Football for a number of years but has recently been expanded for Cricket. Through the app and a visit from a trained County Pitch Advisor, PitchPower provides a rating for a square, and a rating for an outfield that will be either ‘Basic’, Good’, Advanced’, or ‘High’. The aim of the Grass Pitch Improvement Fund will be to support projects that take ‘Basic’ or ‘unsuitable’ squares and outfields to as least ‘Good’
Eligibility and Information about the Grass Pitch Improvement Fund
ECB Grass Pitch Improvement Fund Guidance Notes
Attached above are the guidance notes containing more information about the Grass Pitch Improvement Fund, including eligibility criteria and how potential qualifying projects are identified. As detailed above, the first step for a club that thinks they may qualify and/or require investment in to one of the areas listed above is to organise a Pitch Power visit from one of our County Pitch Advisors.
This visit will cost a club £200 which includes all pre visit preparation, the visit itself and then the follow up report that will be provided.
If you are interested in receiving a Pitch Power visit, please contact Managing Director Joe Skinner to organise: