Club Affiliation
Affiliation is the formal process by which your Club becomes a recognised member of the regulated cricket community.
By affiliating to Cornwall Cricket Board you establish a relationship with us and, by extension, the England and Wales Cricket Board (“ECB”), that enables you to gain access to a whole host of benefits only available to affiliated clubs, such as access to a range of funding opportunities and entry to national competitions.
By affiliating you demonstrate a commitment to protecting the quality and integrity of the game through your acceptance of the regulatory jurisdiction of Cornwall Cricket Board and the ECB; in return, we will provide you with ongoing support to help you manage the challenges that arise during the course of running a cricket club.
All cricket clubs in Cornwallthat enter into Cornwall Cricket League, Youth League and Women's cricket must affiliate to Cornwall Cricket Board. If a club fails to adopt the conditions below, clubs will not be able to enter into cricket activity organised by Member Organisations. Where clubs do not comply within their constitution, we will be asking clubs to sign into an agreement until a point when we are confident that clubs governance is fully compliant.
More details about the benefits available to affiliated clubs can be found below. If you would like to speak to someone from Cornwall Cricket Board please contact Joe Skinner, Managing Director.

By affiliating to Cornwall Cricket Board, your Club agrees to:
- adopt and enforce the ECB Anti-Discrimination Code (“AD Code”) and comply with the obligations and disciplinary process set out under the ECB General Conduct Regulations for Recreational Cricket (“GCRs”);
- accept the jurisdiction of Cornwall Cricket Board to enforce the AD Code and the GCRs against the Club and its cricketers, coaches, committee members, officers, employees, contractors, members, match officials, volunteers and any other persons your Club exercises control over such as spectators (together, “Participants”);
- ensure that all Participants agree to comply with their obligations under the AD Code, GCRs and the ECB’s Safeguarding Procedure, and accept the jurisdiction of [County Cricket Board] (and in the case of the Safeguarding Procedure, the ECB) to enforce the same;
- adopt and implement the ECB’s “Safe Hands” Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy;
- being registered on the ECB’s safeguarding management tool, the Safe Hands Management System;
- recognise and give effect to:
- any penalty or sanction imposed under the GCRs or the ECB Recreational Conduct Regulations by another cricket organisation;
- any penalty or sanction imposed by the ECB (including by the Cricket Discipline Commission);
- any decision or outcome imposed under the ECB’s Safeguarding Procedure; and
- any penalty or sanction imposed by the International Cricket Council (“ICC”), any other ICC Member Country or any national or international anti-doping authority, to the extent that the penalty or sanction is also recognised by the ECB and of which you are notified or otherwise become aware of; and
- adopt, comply with and enforce (as required), and accept the jurisdiction of Cornwall Cricket Board and/or the ECB to enforce, such other rules and regulations as may be required by the ECB from time to time and which are notified to your Club by Cornwall Cricket Board.
These conditions are set by the ECB and apply to all affiliated cricket clubs in England and Wales. Failure to adhere to these conditions may result in your Club’s affiliation being suspended or withdrawn.
Supporting Documentation
Clubs guide to the ECB affiliation conditions.pdf
The further requirements of Cornwall Cricket Board are available to review here.
Categories of Affiliation
All Cornwall Cricket Board Member Organisations, cricketing bodies such as cricket clubs and other teams associated to regulated activity, including their officers, players, volunteers, members and associated spectators, who affiliate to Cornwall Cricket Board, whether an catergory 0 or 1 will automatically be goverened by the ECB General Conduct Regulations (GCR) and Recreational Conduct Regulations (RCR).
You can find the GCR and RCR here
CATEGORY 0 – Associate Members Non-Cornwall Cricket League Clubs:
- Affiliation to Cornwall Cricket.
- Ability to enter into Evening League competitions only, run by the Cornwall Cricket League.
- Access to Safe Hands / Child Safeguarding support and guidance.
- Invites to Club Roadshows, Development Groups and Seminars.
Who should join as an Associate Member?
This category is for any cricket group/team who wish to receive support from Cornwall Cricket Board. Any Cornwall club/team playing evening league cricket under the auspices of CCL, and any non-Cornwall clubs (nomadic or touring).
Fee: £20 per club, per annum
CATEGORY 1 – Members of Cornwall Cricket Board:
- Ability to enter into League, Youth and Womens compeitions.
- Allows your club to utilise Play-Cricket and have a free website through ECB
- Access to the CCB website, sharing your clubs’ officers contact details.
- Access to the ECB Safehands Portal and Liability Insurance via Howdens
- Access to Safe Hands / Safeguarding support and guidance
- Access offers from ECB Commercial Partners, approved suppliers.
- Funding and Facilities advice & Eligible to the ECB grant systems and England and Wales Cricket Trust Interest Free Loans
- Eligible to nominate club volunteers for ECB Grassroots Cricket Awards and Nominations
- Invites to Club Roadshows, Development Groups and Seminars
- Advice on local and national funding opportunities
- Access to advice and guidance from the ECB Regional Team, Facilities, Womens & Disability
- Assistance in setting up a junior section and progressing towards and maintaining ECB Clubmark Accreditation
- Support by CCB Professional Staff on Club Development, Planning, Safeguarding, including access to face to face meetings if requested
- Eligible to enter ECB National competitions and Programmes, All Stars/Dynamos Cricket
- Access to ECB Coach Education courses, umpires and groundskeepers courses
- Eligible to seek Chance to Shine assistance
- Eligible to nominate players for Cornwall youth representative cricket
- Eligible to enter any ECB Junior Competitions – including Lady Taverners, ECB U13 / U15 Cups
Who should join as a Category 1 member?
Clubs who participate in cricket in Cornwall and play in recreational cricket which fall into the affiliation and jurisdiction of Cornwall Cricket Board and the ECB.
Fee: £20 per club standard fee, plus £25 per team entered into the Cornwall Cricket League
- 1 x team = £25 + £20 = £45.00
- 2 x team = £50 + £20 = £70.00
- 3 x team = £75 + £20 = £95.00
- 4 x team = £100 + £20 = £120.00
Please note that this affiliation fee is to Cornwall Cricket Board and is separate from the Cornwall Cricket League annual seasonal league entry fees.
Process for collecting Payment
CCB will be responsible for collecting payment, via an annual invoice sent to Club Secretaries.
- Affiliation payment deadline will be the end of March annually, Invoice for a online BACS payment
- The Account details will be on the invoice presented to the Club