CCB History

Cornwall Cricket Board History & complete list of Board Members  1996-2021



25 Nov    Cornwall Cricket Association circulate proposals formulated by the Test & County Cricket Board  (TCCB) and National Cricket Association (NCA) for the creation of a new governing body for cricket – The England Cricket Board (ECB). Meeting called for Jan for two reps from CCA, CCCC, CCL & CSCA to form a county board as a requirement to link into funding.


22 Jan  Meeting called by the Cornwall Cricket Association at Truro CC to discuss the  formation of the Cornwall Cricket Board and to produce a constitution for  submission to the soon to be formed English Cricket Board. Two members   from CCA, CCCC, CCL & CSCA attended along with part time Development Officer Chris Old. It was agreed Board to be comprised of two reps from each Association (8)

26 Mar NCA had stated funding for 1997 must be done through the Cricket Board no later than 15/6/96. It was therefore agree to elect the Officers at this meeting. Chairman Ronnie Potts, Vice-Chairman Peter Thomas, Secretary Mike Harland, Treasurer Malcolm Broad. It was agreed the CDO become a full time appointment  (closing date for applications 11/11/96)    

13 Dec Peter Grant announced as first full time CDO from 1/2/97.

Michael Weeks appointed Yearbook Editor, Board Press Officer and co-opted as a  non voting Board Member. Mike Buzza & John Harbinson co-opted as full members.


1 Jan    The England & Wales Cricket Board came into being


April   First Cornwall Cricket Yearbook published.


1 Jan    Board restructured. Secretary & Treasurer become independent appointments plus a rep from the Coaches and Youth League (Peter Thomas acting for 2001) added.  

Cornwall Cricket Association formally wound up on 1 March.

18 April First Cornwall Cricket website is launched by MW at


July     Tim Marrion becomes CDO


9 Jan    After being co-opted in 2000, and becoming the CACC Rep in 2001, Nigel Sanders  takes over from Ronnie Potts as Chairman.

Sept     Tim Marrion moves to the Midlands to become Chance to Shine Regional Manager.   

He is replaced in December as CDO by Joe Skinner.


CACO formed on 17 Sept replacing CCUA. CACO now have representation on the Board.


Chairman becomes an independent post.

Cornwall Cricket Centre officially opened on 3 December by  ECB Chairman Giles Clarke DL


Board becomes a Limited Company by Guarantee on 1 April.  Five unpaid director posts of Chief Executive, Finance, Administration, Cricket and Development  are appointed. The full Board will also comprise of seven non- executive directors who will  represent the County Club, Cornwall  League, Representative Youth, Club Youth, Coaches, Officials and Groundsmen (new). The Cricket Development Manager, Cricket Centre Manager (newly appointed Mark Mitchell) and Media Officer have non voting seats on  the Board.


Two founder members of the Board were honoured at a special presentation following their retirements. Col Ron Potts and Mike Harland were the inaugural Chairman and Secretary respectively.

1 Dec  Website relaunched after upgrade to Content Management System (CMS) with the new address of


11 Mar  AGM Mark Mitchell becomes Secretary to the Board and gains voting rights along  with CDM Joe Skinner


10 Mar AGM Chris Fyles /Simon Menneer replace Malcolm Broad MBE /Tim Marrion as  Directors of Finance / Development. Chris Leathley elected as Director of Administration after the post was reistated. Women’s Association & Cornwall Sports Partnership become a  full Board Members

23 Mar Sean Hooper replaces Nigel Sanders as CEO.

Dec   Vic Hassell steps down as Director of Cricket


Jan Chris Leathley appointed Acting Director of Cricket and Rodney Fine Acting Director of Administration

16 Mar Both elected at the AGM. Association members become representatives rather than Non Executive Directors,

4 April Website (CMS) re-launched after rebuild with Admin now transferred to CCB Director of Admin

11 May EGM A Chairperson Mrs Anita George MBE and Non Executive Directors Andrew Kent & Trevor Lee  were elected.

10 Sept Sean Hooper stands down as CEO. Director of Development Simon Menneer appointed Acting CEO.

18 Sept Andrew Jones appointed Acting Director of Development.


Feb – Cricket Development Officer  – Chris Hunkin appointed

21 Mar AGM Simon Menneer appointed CEO

Andrew Jones appointed Director of Development

April  – Project Manager & Schools Competition Manager – Michelle Kent appointed.


February  – Community Development Officer East – Jack Mingo appointed.

March – Community Development Officer West – Craig Williams appointed.

20 March AGM Chris Fyles stood down as Director of Finance and was replaced by Steve Oakley.

Andrew Kent stood down as a Non Executive Director and was replaced by Denise Gladwell.

Keith Hore steps down as County Club Rep after 10 years.

10 May – New website (Word-Press) launched

September – Chris Hunkin appointed Performance Development Manager



12 March  AGM Chris Leathley stood down as Director of Cricket and was replaced by Rodney Fine.

Tamsin Heayn replaced Rodney Fine as Director of Administration.

Chairperson Mrs Anita George MBE and Non Executive Director  Trevor Lee  were re-elected for a second three year term.

A Director of Facilities to be added to the Executive

16 April   Peter Howells appointed Acting Director of Facilities

30 April   Mark Mitchell leaves the position of Cricket Centre Manager

1 August   Mustafa Shaikh appointed Cricket Centre Manager


11 March AGM  Sharon Dee replaced Mark Mitchell as Secretary to the Board.

Peter Howells was elected as Director of Facilities for a three-year term.

Simon Menneer was re-elected unopposed as Chief Executive Officer for a three-year term.

Andrew Jones was re-elected unopposed as Director of Development for a three-year term

23 September   Trevor Lee replaced Simon Menneer (resigned) as Acting Chief Executive Officer

Denise Gladwell resigned as a Non-Executive Director

October  Rodney Fine resigned as Director of Cricket


AGM delayed due to COVID-19

25 May AGM Joe Skinner became Chief Cricket Officer replacing Trevor Lee (Acting CEO)

Trevor Lee reverts to Non-Executive Director

Steve Oakley was re-elected unopposed as Director of Finance for a three-year term

The new structure aligns to the County Partnership Plan 2020-2024 and sees three current Directors transferring to new Directorships.

Tamsin Heayn moves from ‘Administration’ to ‘Volunteers’.

Andrew Jones from ‘Development’ to ‘Performance’.

Peter Howells from ‘Facilities’ to ‘Investments’.

The ‘Director of Cricket’ role is currently vacant after Rodney Fine stood down in October last year.

That Directorship  becomes ‘Director of Participation’.

A new  ‘Director of Women and Girls’ post has been introduced.

Both the Participation  and Women’s posts will be advertised as the Board follow standards of good governance and follow a robust recruitment process.

Denise Gladwell has stood down as a Non-Executive Director but two new NED’s have joined the Board.

Sharon Dee moves from Board Secretary to ‘NED – Governance’.

Kelley Butcher joins as ‘NED- Safeguarding’ – stood down in November..

Michelle Kent becomes the Board Secretary.

Robin Trethowan becomes  Woman & Girls Director


15 March Tim Law appointed Director of Youth Participation

June     New website launched







June - Justin Stephens Resigns as Director of Performance

October - Robin Trethowan Resignes as Director of Women and Girls

