Cornwall Safeguarding Officers

Sarah Fox

Sarah Fox

County Safeguarding Officer - Lead / Adult

Mike Jelbert

Mike Jelbert

Cornwall County Cricket Club Safeguarding Officer

Adam Widdison

Adam Widdison

Non Executive Director -Safeguarding


Need more help?

ECB Safeguarding Team

Call: 020 7432 1200 and asking for a member of the safeguarding team or by emailing [email protected]

Cornwall Council – LADO

For more information and advice contact Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO)                                  Telephone: 01872 326536, Email: [email protected] 

NCPCC – Child Protection Unit in Sport

Devon and Cornwall Police


Contact the Multi-Agency Referral Unit: 0300 1231 116 or out of hours: 01208 251300 or website: