Club Safeguarding
Club Management - Constitution
Every cricket club must have adpoted the follwing Policies, stated within their Club constitution
Club Safeguarding Policy
As a club you must define your own Safeguarding Policy, to support you in this there is no reason why you can't use the Cornwall Cricket Safeguarding Policy as a template and amend to your own.
Club Recruitment Policy
As a club you must also define your recruitment policy. This must take into account the following:
- Safeguarding Statement
- Application process for roles
- Role descriptors, so people know what they are applying for
- Completion of a DBS where appropriate - See DBS Checks and Vetting
- References for people who are applying to a role, suggest two
- Informal interview with 2/3 people
This is about safeguarding the club and those who appoint volunteers.
We want to be proactive in recruitment but also make it challenging for people who have tendancies to cause harm or issues within the club.
Club Safeguarding Officers
It is a requirement for all affiliated Cornwall clubs to appoint and train a Club Safeguarding Officer.
In an ideal situation each club should also have a Deputy Safeguarding Officer to take the place of the Safeguarding Officer should they be unavailable at any time, or gender specific Safeguarding Officers. As the women's and girls game grows so does the need to have female and male Safeguarding Officers.
Please make sure that all the club members are aware of who the Safeguarding Officer(s) are within the club. Please provide telephone numbers and emails so playesr, parents, officials and spectators can raise an issue in confidence should they need to.
To become a fully qualified Safeguarding Officer an individual is required to hold the following certifications:
- Current, valid ECB DBS Vetting check.
- ‘ECB Safe Hands’ certificate dated within the last three years.
- ‘Safeguarding & Protecting Children’ (SPC) certificate or equivilant, dated within the last three years.
Appointed Club Safeguarding Officers can apply to become ECB online DBS Evidence Checkers for their club or area.
For further information on how to apply, please contact Michelle Kent

Template ECB - Club Policies
- Safeguarding Policy
- Recruitment Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Code of Conduct for Coaches
- Code of Conduct for Members and Guests
- All Stars Activators Code Of Conduct
- Anti Bullying Policy
- Photography, Filming and Social Media Policy
- Online Safety and Social Media Policy
- Travel to Practice and Match Policy
- Changing room and Showering Policy
- ECB Anti Discrimination Policy