CACG AGM & Training Course

The Cornwall Association of Cricket Groundskeepers AGM will be held remotely on Zoom on Thursday 20 March at 19:30


Register in advance for this meeting: 


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.


Pre-season training course for groundskeepers ( Phil Jeggo - GMA Cricket Advisor ), to be held at Mount Ambrose CC on Sunday March 23, 10 - 12.30. ( Pasty and Pint for Lunch ).

We are conscious that Zoom has enabled more groundskeepers from distant locations to attend our AGM’s over recent years - but at the cost of us actually getting together.

South of England pitch adviser Phil Jeggo has kindly offered to put on a training course 3 days after our AGM and you are invited to come along - if able to do so.