Photography, Filming and Social Media Broadcast Policy

Cornwall Cricket Board (CCB) is keen to promote positive images of children playing cricket and therefore does not wish to prevent the use of photographic or videoing equipment.

Cornwall Cricket wishes to ensure photography and video footage taken within cricket is done so appropriately. Parents and carers are welcome to take pictures of, or filming, their children. These are normal family practices and help mark milestones in a child’s life however, in order to respect the privacy of other families, and for safeguarding reasons Cornwall Cricket has adopted the following policy:

  • Photographs/images are not to be taken at matches or training without the prior permission of the parents/carers of the child. Permission can be granted by the coach based on parental consents provided during the annual registration process

  • Children should be informed a person will be taking photographs

  • The children should be informed that if they have concerns they can report these to the coach or team manager

  • Concerns regarding inappropriate, or intrusive, photography should be reported to the designated Safeguarding Officer and recorded in the same manner as any other child protection or safeguarding concern

  • Before using images of children (for example on the web, in the media or in league handbooks), including broadcast on social media platforms:

  • Permission should be obtained from parents to use the child’s image and, wherever possible, show the image to the parents and child in advance. The use of a child’s name alongside their picture is to be avoided.

  • Children should be wearing appropriate kit / clothing to reduce the risk of inappropriate use, and to provide positive images of the children

  • The use of inappropriate images of children should be reported to the designated Safeguarding Officer

Please Note: The word “children” means all persons under the age of 18 years and therefore this policy applies to all persons under 18 years old regardless of whether they are playing in junior/colt teams or playing in adult teams.

Using video as a coaching aid:

  • A coach must inform the child (and parent if possible) that video recordings will be made during a particular coaching session or match.

  • Any video material taken as a coaching aid must be stored securely and deleted or destroyed when a parent requests this, or when the material is no longer needed.

  • The coach must not, under any circumstances, distribute video or upload onto other personal devices / social media platforms